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You use about when you mention what someone is saying, writing, or thinking.
You can say that a book is about a particular subject or that it is on that subject.
You can also use about to say what a novel or play deals with. Don't use 'on'.
If you are about to do something, you are going to do it soon.
Be Careful!
Don't use an -ing form in sentences like these. Don't say, for example, 'You are about crossing the River Jordan'.
round aboutWhen you are talking about movement in many different directions, you can use around, round, or about. You can use these words as adverbs.
You can also use these words as prepositions.
Speakers of American English usually use around, rather than 'round' or 'about', in this sense.
When one thing is around or round another thing, it surrounds it or is on all sides of it. In this sense, these words are prepositions. You can't use 'about' in this sense.
Speakers of American English usually use around, rather than 'round', in this sense.
When you are talking about something being generally present or available, you can use around or about, but not 'round', as adverbs.
You can also use around or round as the second part of some phrasal verbs, including come (a)round, turn (a)round, look (a)round, and run (a)round.
American English uses only around in these cases.
In conversation, around, about and round about are sometimes used to mean 'approximately'.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'round' like this. Don't say, for example, 'He owns round 200 acres.'
Adj. | 1. | ![]() active - characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action" |
Adv. | 1. | ![]() |
2. | ![]() | |
3. | ![]() | |
4. | about - used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who's been around"; "she sleeps around" | |
5. | about - in or to a reversed position or direction; "about face"; "suddenly she turned around" | |
6. | ![]() | |
7. | about - (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees" |
[əˈbaʊt]about £20 → unas 20 libras, 20 libras más o menos
there were about 25 guests → había unos 25 invitados, había como 25 invitados (esp LAm)
about seven years ago → hace unos siete años
at about two o'clock → a eso de las dos, sobre las dos
it's about two o'clock → son las dos, más o menos
he must be about 40 → tendrá alrededor de 40 años
that's about all I could find → eso es más o menos todo lo que podía encontrar
that's about it → eso es (, más o menos)
it's just about finished → está casi terminado
that's about right → eso es (, más o menos)
he's about the same → sigue más o menos igual
it's about time you stopped → ya es hora de que lo dejes
is Mr Brown about? → ¿está por aquí el Sr. Brown?
to be about again (after illness) → estar levantado
we were about early → nos levantamos temprano
all about (= everywhere) → por todas partes
there's a lot of measles about → hay mucho sarampión, está dando el sarampión
there isn't much money about → hay poco dinero, la gente tiene poco dinero
to run about → correr por todas partes
he must be about somewhere → debe de andar por aquí
there's a thief about → por aquí anda un ladrón
to walk about → pasearse
a book about gardening → un libro de jardinería, un libro sobre la jardinería
I can tell you nothing about him → no le puedo decir nada acerca de él
I'm phoning about tomorrow's meeting → llamo por la reunión de mañana
they fell out about money → riñeron por cuestión de dinero
about the other night, I didn't mean what I said → respecto a la otra noche, no iba en serio cuando dije esas cosas
do something about it! → ¡haz algo!
there's nothing I can do about it → no puedo hacer nada al respecto
how or what about this one? → ¿qué te parece éste?
he was chosen out of 200, how or what about that! → entre 200 lo eligieron a él, ¡quién lo diria! or ¡fijate!
how or what about coming with us? → ¿por qué no vienes con nosotros?
how or what about a drink? → ¿vamos a tomar una copa?
how or what about a song? → ¿por qué no nos cantas algo?
how or what about it? (= what do you say?) → ¿qué te parece?; (= what of it?) → ¿y qué?
how or what about me? → y yo, ¿qué?
what's that book about? → ¿de qué trata ese libro?
what did she talk about? → ¿de qué habló?
what's all this noise about? → ¿a qué se debe todo este ruido?
"I want to talk to you" - "what about?" → -quiero hablar contigo -¿acerca de qué?
there's something about a soldier → los soldados tienen un no sé qué
he had a mysterious air about him → tenía un cierto aire misterioso
there's something odd about it → aquí hay algo raro
while you're about it can you get me a beer? → ya que estás en ello ¿me traes una cerveza?
and while I'm about it I'll talk to your father → y de paso hablaré con tu padre
you've been a long time about it → has tardado bastante en hacerlo
see also go about
[əˈbaʊt]It takes about 10 hours → Ça prend environ 10 heures., Ça prend à peu près 10 heures.
about a hundred
How many? - about a hundred → Combien? - environ cent., Combien? - environ une centaine.
about a hundred people → environ cent personnes, environ une centaine de personnes
at about 2 o'clock → vers 2 heures
to run about → courir çà et là
to walk about → se promener, aller et venir
is Paul about? (British) → est-ce que Paul est là?
it's about here → c'est par ici, c'est dans les parages
to be out and about (after illness) → être de nouveau sur pied
I'm glad he's out and about again → Je suis content qu'il soit de nouveau sur pied.; (visiting lots of places)
He's always out and about these days → En ce moment, il est toujours par monts et par vaux.
I was about to go out → J'étais sur le point de sortir.
I'm not about to do all that for nothing
BUT Je ne vais quand même pas faire tout ça pour rien.
I'm phoning you about tomorrow's meeting → Je vous appelle à propos de la réunion de demain.
a book about London → un livre sur Londres
what is it about? → de quoi s'agit-il?
to talk about something → parler de quelque chose
We talked about it → Nous en avons parlé.
do something about it! → faites quelque chose!
what about doing this?, how about doing this? → et si nous faisions ceci?
How about going to the cinema? → Et si nous allions au cinéma?
to walk about the town → se promener dans la villeabout-face [əˌbaʊtˈfeɪs] about-turn [əˌbaʊtˈtɜːn] (British) n